menu PN X How to use WaterDogPE forwarding server in PNX
Switch Language
  1. PowerNukkitX
  2. Get Started
  3. Config

    1. server.properties
    2. nukkit.yml
    3. pnx-cli-config.ini
    4. Anti-xray
    5. Resource Encryption
    6. Compression Acceleration
    7. PNX with WaterDogPE
    8. Flat World
  4. FAQ

    1. To Newcomers
    2. How to use PNX-CLI
    3. Common Questions
    4. Terra Questions
    5. Spawn-point Questions
    6. Convert Worlds
  5. For Devs

    1. Java

      1. Goto JavaDoc
      2. Mod API

        1. Custom Block
        2. Custom Item
        3. Custom Entity
        4. Custom Enchantment
      3. Entity AI

        1. Behavior
        2. Memory
        3. Sensor
        4. Motion Controller
        5. Navigator
        6. Behavior Group
        7. Work Cycle
    2. JavaScript

      1. setup dev env
      2. Base LLSELib dev
      3. Hello World
      4. Basic knowledge
      5. Event Listener
      6. FAQ
    3. Resources

      1. Event List
      2. IDs(block & item)

How to use WaterDogPE forwarding server in PNX

If server open online verification

  1. Modify the following configuration in the WaterDog's config.yml online_mode=true use_login_extras=true and upstream_encryption: false
  2. Modify the xbox-auth=on in your server.properties for each sub-server
  3. Modify waterdogpe: true in your nukkit.yml for each sub-server

If server close online verification

  1. Modify online_mode=false and upstream_encryption: false in the WaterDog configuration file config.yml
  2. Modify the xbox-auth=off in your server.properties for each sub-server

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