Nukkit.yml Configuration
Nukkit server setting
language: chs
Nukkit server language
- chs Simplified Chinese
- cht Traditional Chinese
- eng English
- jpn Japanese
- rus Russian
- spa Spanish
- pol Polish
- bra Portuguese Brazil
- kor Korean
- ukr Ukrainian
- deu German
- ltu Lithuanian
- idn Indonesian
- cze Czech
- tur Turkish
- fin Finland
- vie Vietnamese
- fra French
force-language: false
Whether to force the server language (false is turned off and true is turned on)
shutdown-message: "Server closed"
Prompt message to close the server
query-plugins: ture
Whether to allow the plugin of the server to be listed through Query (false is turned off and true is turned on)
deprecated-verbose: true
When the plugin uses an API that is not recommended, a prompt is displayed on the console (false turns off true turns on)
async-workers: auto
Number of threads working asynchronously If set to auto, the server will try to detect the number of cores of the CPU (at least 4)
safe-spawn: true
Teleport players to a safe spawn point when they join the server (Prevent players from spawning underwater or inside blocks.)
Whether to open WaterdogPE compatible, after opening it will be compatible with the use_login_extras configuration item in WaterDog, and at the same time turn off the PNX addon api and login timestamp verify.
The default value is false
download-spark: true
whether to download and enable spark
Network related settings
- batch-threshold: 256
- compression-level: 7
- async-compression: false
- zlib-provider: 2 # See hardware accelerated compression for details
- snappy: false # Enable Snappy network packet compression
debugRelated settings
- level: 1
- commands: false
- ignored-packets:
- LevelChunkPacket
Find the cause of server seizure
Replaced by spark in 1.20.0-r3
enabled: falseverbose: falsehistory-interval: 6000history-length: 72000bypass-max: falseprivacy: falseignore: []
Map Settings
- default-format: anvil
- auto-tick-rate: true
- auto-tick-rate-limit: 20
- base-tick-rate: 1
- always-tick-players: false
- tick-redstone: true
Block Settings
- per-tick: 4
- max-chunks: 192
- spawn-threshold: 56
- cache-chunks: false
Block random engraving
- per-tick: 40
- tick-radius: 3
- light-updates: false
- clear-tick-list: false
Block Builder
- queue-size: 8
- population-queue-size: 8
The maximum random mark of these entity (currently invalid)
- animal-spawns: 400
- monster-spawns: 1
- autosave: 6000
- cache-cleanup: 900
Maximum number of entity (currently invalid)
- monsters: 70 Number of monsters generated: 70
- animals: 15 Number of animals generated: 15
- water-animals: 5 Aquatic biomass: 5
- ambient: 15
Player related settings
- save-player-data: true Save player data
- skin-change-cooldown: 30 Player skin update time
- force-skin-trusted: false Force trusted skin (false turns off and true turns on)
- check-movement: true Motion detection (false off, true on)
Command alias
- Example:
- showtheversion:version
- savestop:[Save, Stop]
Builder World Settings
- world: # Generate World Name
- seed: 12235 # Generate world seed
- generator: terra:default # Generator type (current type:terraEpic World Generator)
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